b. 1963, UK; lives and works in Devon

1988-1990 Royal College of Art, MA

1983-1987 Camberwell College of Arts, BA 

Alex Hartley is best known for ambitious works of land-art that have been exhibited internationally, though his practice is wide-ranging, also comprising wall-based sculptural photographic compositions, film-making, room-sized architectural installations, and remote, site-specific works.

His artworks seek to test our notions of utopia, the individual, and the critical relationship we have with the environment, questioning how we occupy the world's wild places.

He is the recipient of the 2015 COAL prize (awarded to artists addressing ecology issues) and the Arts Foundation Award, for Art in the Elements, also in 2015. Hartley has exhibited extensively, including a solo gallery show at Victoria Miro (2018);Yokohama Triennial (2017); Folkestone Triennial (2017 and 2014); Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark; Blaffer Museum, Houston; Brooklyn Museum, NewYork; Royal Academy of Arts and the National Museum of Art, Osaka.