Nicholas Hatfull
Genie Far From Home, 2017
Perspex cube, pastel, acrylic and inkjet on paper and card, cotton wool.
20 x 20 x 20 cm
© The Artist
Photo: Joseph Warren
'Inside the capsule is an open plain, unconcealed, utterly sealed but impossibly vast. Outside looking in, it’s a teatrino of sorts, that unbeatable maquettish space shorn of practicalities. I could...
"Inside the capsule is an open plain, unconcealed, utterly sealed but impossibly vast. Outside looking in, it’s a teatrino of sorts, that unbeatable maquettish space shorn of practicalities. I could have played endless Bonseki with this for years - a good thing there was a deadline. Oneiric tubes and tondos, a Yokohama or a New York chimney, a 117 year old Korean lady, roadworks, enigma-settees; I cannot, in the end, say with it means. I deal in hopelessly mixed metaphors, lyrics without a home, but dispatched with brio, in the hope they give off steam. " - Nicholas Hatfull