b. 1979, Scotland; lives and works in London

1997-1999 Telford College, Edinburgh 


Born in Grantown On Spey in the Scottish Highlands, Andrew McIntosh held his first solo exhibition of landscape paintings at the Highland Mori museum in 2001. Since then he has exhibited widely across the UK, including at the Carnegie Club at Skibo castle, Sutherland and the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London.

McIntosh’s atmospheric works combine references to canonical art works with mournful imagery of derelict or abandoned buildings. In 2014 he won the Towry Award for Best in Show at the National Open Art Competition; was selected to show at Here Today, curated by Artwise, for the IUCN, London; and shortlisted for the John Moores Painting Prize,Walker Art Museum in Liverpool.

Following his solo exhibition, You Were Shit in the 80s at James Freeman Gallery (2015), his large painting RA! was exhibited at the Royal Academy (2016) and he was nominated for the Pulse Art Prize, Miami.