b. 1964, UK; lives and works in London

1987-1988 Chelsea College of Art, MA

1984-1987 Chelsea College of Art, BA 

Born in Yorkshire, Miller, both an artist and writer, received his BA and his MA from Chelsea College of Art and went on to live and work in New York; Paris; Berlin and New Orleans. Group exhibitions include Fools Rain, ICA, London (1996); Direct Painting, Kunsthalle, Mannheim (2004); Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London (2005/6) and The Sculpture in the Close, Jesus College, Cambridge (2013).

Much of his work is instantly recognisable for its wry literary references and play on vintage Penguin editions -“Painting is the worst medium to express narrative, but perhaps the best to hit a nerve.”

Miller’s solo exhibitions include: Don't Let the Bastards Cheer You Up, Baltic, Gateshead (2009); The Next Life's On Me, White Cube Hoxton Square, London (2012), In Dreams Begin Monsters, Palacio Quintanar, Segovia (2015) and One Bar Electric Memoir, White Cube Mason's Yard (2017).